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Personal Assistant Jobs in Dunedin
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Full Time / Part Time Seafood Assistant - Pak'nsave Dunedin
- Dunedin | Mar 4, 2023 PaknSAVE
- Paknsave - Dunedin - Seafood AssistantDUNEDIN PAK’n SAVEWe are on the look-out for a responsible, friendly and highly motivated person with a great team attitude to join
Butchery Assistant - Pak'nsave Dunedin
- Dunedin | Jan 20, 2022 PaknSAVE
- Paknsave - Dunedin - We are on the look-out for a responsible, friendly and highly motivated person with a great team attitude to join our busy Butchery team in both
Retail Assistants - Pak'nsave Dunedin
- Dunedin | Jan 18, 2022 FoodStuffs
- Foodstuffs - Dunedin - We are on the look-out for a responsible, friendly and highly motivated person with a great team attitude to join our busy dry foods team in both
Butchery Assistant - Pak'nsave Dunedin
- Dunedin | Jan 18, 2022 FoodStuffs
- Foodstuffs - Dunedin - We are on the look-out for a responsible, friendly and highly motivated person with a great team attitude to join our busy Butchery team in both
Bakery Assistant - Pak'nsave Dunedin
- Dunedin | Nov 3, 2021 FoodStuffs
- Foodstuffs - Dunedin - We are on the look-out for a responsible, friendly and highly motivated person with a great team attitude to join our busy Bakery team in both
Nightfill Assistant Forklift Driver - Pak'nsave Dunedin
- Dunedin | Oct 27, 2021 FoodStuffs
- Foodstuffs - Dunedin - We are on the look-out for a responsible, friendly and highly motivated person with a great team attitude to join our busy Grocery team in both
Sales Adviser
- Dunedin | Sep 27, 2021 Pagani
- Pagani - Dunedin - PAGANI is looking for a part time STYLE ADVISOR to assist our retail stores You will play a vital role in delivering exceptional personalized
Service Deli Assistant - Pak'nsave Dunedin
- Dunedin | Sep 16, 2021 FoodStuffs
- Foodstuffs - Dunedin - We are on the look-out for a responsible, friendly and highly motivated person with a great team attitude to join our busy Deli team in both Part